e-class - 6 (Wednesday, 4.05.2011)

A. Fareed is buying a new laptop. Change the underlined words into comparative adjectives.

These two, the Helix 400 and the VKC 28, are very popular at the moment sir. The VKC 28 is a little new ..., but the Helix is cheap ... .
Can I touch them? Which one is heavy ... ?
The VKC is light ... than the Helix, but it’s also wide ... .
Yes, youre right. The VKC is big ..., but much thin ... . And I suppose its powerful .. too, if its newer.
Its fast ..., yes. But the Helix is still a good computer. We sell hundred every week.
You said the VKC was expensive ... .Whats the deiffernce in price?
The helix is 400 euros and the VKC is 600 euros.
Thanks. I think the VKC is a little good ..., but Ill take the Helix.

B. Seychelles Facts (and Opinions):

The Republic of Seychelles is the small ... African country, and its the good ... place in the world for your holiday!
The bigof the hundred and fifty five islands is Mahe, with an international airport.
The Seychelles Islands have the beautiful beaches you’ve ever seen, and warm … seas.
The sunny … times of year are December and January (but they’re also the expensive … times to visit.
The peaceful island is La Digue- it´s like a journey into the past!
The nice restaurant in the Seychelles is Andrea in Anse Lazio.
The best Creole music is by the famous … Seychelles musician, the wonderful Jean-Marc Volcy!

C. Can you translate into English the following sentences?

  1. Aký je nadlhšia rieka v Európe?
  2. Aký dlhý  je most Millay Villaud?
  3. Aké je najväčšie lietadlo?
  4. Aké je najrýchlejšie lietadlo na svete?
  5. Aké je najširšie jazero v Európe?
  6. Aké je najhlbšie jazero v Európe?

D. Can you write the opposites?

  1. long-
  2. high-
  3. expensive-
  4. thick-
  5. young-
  6. old-

E. Can you write comparatives and superlatives?

  1. cheap -
  2. good -
  3. bad -
  4. far -
  5. popular -