Let's play - Let's explore Europe!

Read the pages 3 and 7 of the publication “Let’s explore Europe!” and answer to the following questions.

1.         Which borders are in Europe?
2.         Where are the Caucasus mountains and how tall is the highest peak?
3.         Why is Lake Geneva popular in Europa?
4.         What´s the largest lake in central Europa? How many km2 does it cover?
5.         What is the second longest river in Europe?
6.         How many km is longer the Danube than The Rhine?
7.         What is  between Bergen and Oslo? When did they open it?
8.         What´s the biggest passenger plane ?
9.         What success was achieved by European countires?
10.       How tall is the highest bridge in the world?

Have a look at the pages 37 and 38 of the publicaton Let’s explore Europe!” and answer to the following questions.

  1. Which is the biggest country by population in the EU?
  2. Which is the smallest country by area in the EU?
  3. Which is the smallest country by population in the EU?
  4. Which is the first EU Member state according to the alphabet order?
  5. Which is the northernmost country in the EU?
  6. Which is the southernmost sea in the EU?
  7. Which is the southernmost town of Europe?
  8. Which is the highest mountain in Europe?
  9. Which is the longest river in Europe?
  10. Which is the largest island in Europe?
  11. Which is the second biggest city in Europe?
  12. Which country has the most islands in Europe?
  13. Which is the smallest town by population in Europe?
  14. What is the largest land mammal in Europe?
  15. When the first Euro banknotes were introduced?

Read the pages 40 and 41 of the publication “Let’s explore Europe!” and try to rewrite active sentences in passive voice and passive sentences in active voice.

  1. 27 Commissioners make up the European Commission.
  2. Every Wednesday a discussion is taken place by the Commissioners. (have)
  3. New laws for the EU as a whole are proposed by the Commissioners.
  4. In their work Commissioners are helped by experts, lawyers, secretaries and translators.
  5. Commissioners send their proposal to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.
  6. The European Parliament represents all the people in the EU.
  7. A big meeting is held every month in Strasburg by the European Parliament.
  8. Members of the European Parliament discuss the new laws.
  9. Every five years all the adult citizens of the EU choose the Members of the European Parliament.
  10. EU laws have to be discussed by government ministers from all EU countries.
  11. The Council of the European Union votes on a proposal after a discussion.
  12. The Council and the European Parliament have passed a new law.
  13. European Commission will warn a country.
  14. The Court of Justice must make sure that EU laws are respected by the countries.
  15. One judge from each EU country makes up the Court of Justice.

Read the pages 40 and 41 of the publication “Let’s explore Europe!” and answer to the following questions.

1.         How many Commissioners make up the European Commission?
2.         What is Commissioners’ job?
3.         Once the Commissioners have agreed what law to propose, where do they send their proposal?
4.         What does the European Parliament represent?
5.         How often does the big meeting take place in the European Parliament?
6.         What happens if the European Parliament doesn’t like a proposal?
7.         How many Members does the European Parliament have?
8.         How can someone be elected as a Member of the European Parliament?
9.         What is called the “Council of the European Union”?
10.       What happens if an EU Member State doesn’t apply the law properly.